Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I just love mewithoutYou.

The bird cracks me up.


At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

elementary, my dear....
yes. mewithoutyou... very grood.

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i was looking for a new phone, i found the prices of phones ridiculous. simply replacing my crappy Sanyo phone that always gave me trouble would of cost me 250, so i just decided to spend the extra money and buy a really good phone, my treo. i did get a break on the price, both because i had a credit for a new phone after fulfilling the first year of my new contract and also because i renewed my 2 year contract from that date.

as for web browsing, that depends on your service. i didn't pay anymore, because it's part of my sprint service. you'd have to check the plan.

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, you need not mention malkins name for me to pick up on who you were talking about. great game, a loss, but still a great game. if they can continue playing at this level they'll make the playoffs.

no, unemployed justin is still employed at tutor time. just seeing if there's a better option out there.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, i totally forgot about the sonic -> chilli dog connection!

At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's definitly time for an update on your life!!

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, i forgot you were in that video. nice.


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